Monday, November 3, 2008

Is Drama Class Really Over???

Can it be true?
A nice thought, but most likely not.
They seem to be never ending. People needing just a glimpse of fame and importance on the Internet seem to be signing up for blogger accounts left and right to see whose reputation they can ruin next, without knowing who's on the other side of the screen. Whose life they could be messing with.
But they also don't think of who they are pissing off and how far the other person would take it.
The puke blog that rose up after I posted this blog, seems to have yet called on someone else.
They claimed they had proof, in black and white that would prove the BS that was posted on that blog.
Well, it's been a week. And I have yet to receive a email.
Shocked? I am not.
They never posted or provided proof of the other crap they stated as fact on that ridiculous blog.

The dribble they posted about me was nothing more then that. Dribble.
Nothing was true, yet they insisted to post it because some people would believe it.
But not everyone are sheep.
Some people are actually capable of thinking for themselves. And those people matter.
At least to me. Because, as I have said before, I have been around for 9+ years.
And I have gotten to know MANY people.
If your tagger, you know who I am or have seen my work.
If you use Incredimail, You know who I am or have seen my work.
That's just a FACT.
But even with the crap posted on that blog, I have risen from the ashes.
And I am as a strong as ever.
None of the bull shit has effected me.
So all I have to say to you is.....
Jealousy is a disease..........Get Well Soon!