Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Saga Continues..............

"Setting The Record Straight"....
You should first know the 'record' before trying to set it.
You should also learn how to construct a paragraph and sentence before creating a blog.
The FACT remains that you created a "" email address to give the assumption that you were in fact a "legal" whatever it is you claim you are.
And I guess I'll play along with whatever game it is you are playing, and assume that you and "cindy" are in fact not the same, facts that prove otherwise. But whatever, I can play along.
In any case, you have NO PROOF that I had a back door to all those stores, because the FACT is, I did not. The "backdoor" to RetroDiva was not me, it was some one I knew. Some one who was not in groups with the likes of you, I mean your friends, I mean the people that are randomly sending bullshit "facts".
You and the other random people seem to think if you repeat the same bullshit over and over again, it will eventually be passed on as truth. But in all actuality, it just makes you guys seem like a bunch of babbling buffoons.
You claim you have "proof" that I had back doors to all of these stores.
So that means, in order for that to be true, you would have to have a email, or a IM or something where I stated I had these things. I'd like to see them. So go ahead and post them! We'd all like to see you back up the bullshit that is written all over your blog.
And the fact that you have seen my photo, only shows that you are a stalker.
You really need help. And stay away from my Myspace page, it's private, and it won't change.
So stop trying to check it.
And calling me names is SO jr high.
Trying growing up.
As for my "aliases", I have ALWAYS been Pimptress. For 9 years, in fact.
MsCora is a abbreviation of my real name, and MzP is a shorter name for Pimptress.
As for the "Carla Bassett", that's my mother's name, as it was her PayPal account.
Someone who has no right to be posted on your blog.
Of course you may want to research the leads, without
forming so many empty conclusions. I mean we all know that was posted on the DCR first, and we all know how little research actually goes into the rumors they openly type within there.
You guys keep posting more and more crap about me being a pirate, something, mind you, is OLD NEWS. Hello !?!?!?!? I already did that.
And I think you and your little ass buddies are just pissed that you couldn't do it first.
So you just post the information anyways, trying to get your 15 minutes of fame.
All the while making you and your random, nameless friends, look more like asses.
I am sure you will create yet ANOTHER post, rambling on about some bull shit and saying I need manors, blah blah blah, coming from some one who created a smack blog for the soul purpose to run my name in the ground. What a sad life you must have.
And I just love your little quotes, it's sad you have to mimic an intelligent person because you lack the ability to become one yourself.