Monday, September 29, 2008

Against my better judgement........

I have decided to comment on the BS on the newest blog seeking it's 15 minutes of fame.

See what I don't get is, I confessed, walked away, said NOTHING to anyone,
And a new blog is started every minute.
And not by those who are shocked that I am a pirate.
Just those who are angry that their stupid friends were posted here as pirates.

But then I got to thinking. And way back when this drama about me started, and the hater's started to form at the Obits, there was one commenter who stuck out.
She left the NASTIEST comment there, shown below in the screen shots,
And the funny thing is, her name was "Cindy".
Maybe it isn't linked. But damn, look how far "Cindy" has gone to ruin my name?
And it seems to me that someone has stalked me to no end.
Can we say "Obsessed"????
Who is jealous of who, exactly???

So then I took a look at "Leah's" blog.
And it made me think of how many people in the US don't have medical insurance.
Because it's obvious that someone is off their meds. Or should maybe get some.
Just a shame.

Then I seen her email address, and it was "whatever"
And that made me giggle to no end.
Because ANYONE can have one of those!
For free!
And you don't have to be a lawyer.
You can be a doctor, a fireman, a teacher, an accountant, a priest, or anything else
that you'd like to be when you grow up!
Check it out! It's a lot of fun!
(I would also like to point out how funny it is that when Cindy first started her tantrum,
She claimed she was in the legal field. I find that to be odd, now there is yet another one.
And you would think that professional women, such as themselves would act a little more

To those designers whom, have NOTHING to do with me personally,
Like Ellie Lash, I want to apologize. Some people have typing-turrets.
I have never said anything negative about you.
In fact, you are one of the designers I support.
You can see that at my blog.
Nor have I said anything about any of the other deisgners posted there, unless of course,
Your name is Gina, Lynne, Michelle.
But good grief, that is old news already.
And that crazy rumor that I applied to Veronica and SweetMade's store,
that's a joke. Never did that. Not even for a CT.
And anyone who knows me, knows that I would NEVER say my designs were not good enough.
If you are going to act like someone who knows what they are talking about,
At least do your homework.

As for being jealous, well, when compared to babycake, take a look at her designs,
and how many downloads she has on her freebies, and then take a look
At mine. I rest my case.

I would like to thank the 52 seperate people who have emailed me with support,
Most I have not heard from in years, but it's nice to know that I am still remembered
In the tagger community.
It's also nice to know I don't only have "1 Friend, just as bad as me".
But to my supporters , Please do not worry about me.
I have been in these crazy communities for 9 years,
And if I worried about what everyone was saying about me,
I'd never leave the house.