Friday, September 26, 2008


I have received quite a few emails since this blog went up. And I would like to address a few things.

First, I would like to thank those people who are still standing by me, regardless.
For the designers who emailed me and said thank you for being honest in all of this.
Also, to the person who emailed me at MySpace when asking for my friendship, only to insult me, please, next time, try to be a little mature instead of calling me a pile of crap. Your insults were so elementary.

To those who are sending me threats, they are falling upon deaf ears. Because you do not scare me in the least. And not being allowed to join groups with the likes of you, would be a blessing. But again, it should be noted that I no longer wish to join your share groups. And from what I can see and have experienced first hand, not being in a group with you is a god send.

But most importantly, it has been asked why I did this. Why did I decide to do it this way.

The reason is pretty simple. There were snitches and back stabbers within the group.
I later figured out who were they were. And I can tell you that they are the ones I outed.
Lynne, Gina, Cathy. They were the snitches. They should be smeared all over the Internet.
Instead, they are being protected by one of the craziest people on blogger.
And they decide to plaster my name on their blog. And that's fine. At least people know that I am not friends with the likes of you.
As for the other people posted on my blog, they were within the group of people, allowing the crazy shit to be posted every where. They went along with it.
(And it should be known I saved the private conversations within the emails where they Admitted to turning me in)
But most importantly, if I was going to be officially declared a pirate, I was going to be named a pirate on my terms, not by others. If someone other then myself outed me, there would be personal feelings behind it, and it would have been a lot worse. They would have blown it WAY out of proportion. As it can be seen at the smackdown blog. They went as far as to fake the screen shot. And not very well, I might add. Which is why I never bothered to address it.
I also know for a fact that Cathy sent the blog owner one of the emails used in the screen shot
because her personal footer was still and is still visible in the screen shot. Again, I say OOPS!
So you see, this was a long time coming. They were so desperate to label me a snitch, I guess they got what they wanted.
But the next time you plan on accusing me of being someone else, like, oh I don't know, LavenderLucks, Make sure you know what the heck it is you are talking about. Because you were SOOOOOOOOOOOO very wrong on that one. And look where it got you?
I have walked away from this scene. I no longer design scrap kits. It is no longer fun. It was only a hobby, one that I enjoyed deeply. But some people think this is a life or death thing, that it should consume their lives, and they protect it as such. But for me, my family comes first. And I know I can walk away from my PC at anytime and still wake up the next day and be "OK".
I have been online for 9 years. I have been in groups just as long. (No, not pirating groups. 9 years ago a pirate said "arr" and had a ship) But I have made a name for myself in this community. And just because the few "newbies" causing all this trouble have no idea who I am, doesn't mean it's the general consensus. MANY people do. And I know I have their support.
So all I have to say is that to those of you who continue to stay in that circle of "friends", I would be careful. Because the minute they get a bug up their ass, they will turn on you. And you always think to yourself, "They would never do that to me, we are all friends here." Well, I am proof that they can and they will.
* I also wanted to add that despite the rumors that I owned that blog that was outting those who shared art related shares such as tubes, I was not. Nor do I know who that was.
I didn't know half the people on the list. *