Monday, November 3, 2008

Is Drama Class Really Over???

Can it be true?
A nice thought, but most likely not.
They seem to be never ending. People needing just a glimpse of fame and importance on the Internet seem to be signing up for blogger accounts left and right to see whose reputation they can ruin next, without knowing who's on the other side of the screen. Whose life they could be messing with.
But they also don't think of who they are pissing off and how far the other person would take it.
The puke blog that rose up after I posted this blog, seems to have yet called on someone else.
They claimed they had proof, in black and white that would prove the BS that was posted on that blog.
Well, it's been a week. And I have yet to receive a email.
Shocked? I am not.
They never posted or provided proof of the other crap they stated as fact on that ridiculous blog.

The dribble they posted about me was nothing more then that. Dribble.
Nothing was true, yet they insisted to post it because some people would believe it.
But not everyone are sheep.
Some people are actually capable of thinking for themselves. And those people matter.
At least to me. Because, as I have said before, I have been around for 9+ years.
And I have gotten to know MANY people.
If your tagger, you know who I am or have seen my work.
If you use Incredimail, You know who I am or have seen my work.
That's just a FACT.
But even with the crap posted on that blog, I have risen from the ashes.
And I am as a strong as ever.
None of the bull shit has effected me.
So all I have to say to you is.....
Jealousy is a disease..........Get Well Soon!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Saga Continues..............

"Setting The Record Straight"....
You should first know the 'record' before trying to set it.
You should also learn how to construct a paragraph and sentence before creating a blog.
The FACT remains that you created a "" email address to give the assumption that you were in fact a "legal" whatever it is you claim you are.
And I guess I'll play along with whatever game it is you are playing, and assume that you and "cindy" are in fact not the same, facts that prove otherwise. But whatever, I can play along.
In any case, you have NO PROOF that I had a back door to all those stores, because the FACT is, I did not. The "backdoor" to RetroDiva was not me, it was some one I knew. Some one who was not in groups with the likes of you, I mean your friends, I mean the people that are randomly sending bullshit "facts".
You and the other random people seem to think if you repeat the same bullshit over and over again, it will eventually be passed on as truth. But in all actuality, it just makes you guys seem like a bunch of babbling buffoons.
You claim you have "proof" that I had back doors to all of these stores.
So that means, in order for that to be true, you would have to have a email, or a IM or something where I stated I had these things. I'd like to see them. So go ahead and post them! We'd all like to see you back up the bullshit that is written all over your blog.
And the fact that you have seen my photo, only shows that you are a stalker.
You really need help. And stay away from my Myspace page, it's private, and it won't change.
So stop trying to check it.
And calling me names is SO jr high.
Trying growing up.
As for my "aliases", I have ALWAYS been Pimptress. For 9 years, in fact.
MsCora is a abbreviation of my real name, and MzP is a shorter name for Pimptress.
As for the "Carla Bassett", that's my mother's name, as it was her PayPal account.
Someone who has no right to be posted on your blog.
Of course you may want to research the leads, without
forming so many empty conclusions. I mean we all know that was posted on the DCR first, and we all know how little research actually goes into the rumors they openly type within there.
You guys keep posting more and more crap about me being a pirate, something, mind you, is OLD NEWS. Hello !?!?!?!? I already did that.
And I think you and your little ass buddies are just pissed that you couldn't do it first.
So you just post the information anyways, trying to get your 15 minutes of fame.
All the while making you and your random, nameless friends, look more like asses.
I am sure you will create yet ANOTHER post, rambling on about some bull shit and saying I need manors, blah blah blah, coming from some one who created a smack blog for the soul purpose to run my name in the ground. What a sad life you must have.
And I just love your little quotes, it's sad you have to mimic an intelligent person because you lack the ability to become one yourself.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Against my better judgement........

I have decided to comment on the BS on the newest blog seeking it's 15 minutes of fame.

See what I don't get is, I confessed, walked away, said NOTHING to anyone,
And a new blog is started every minute.
And not by those who are shocked that I am a pirate.
Just those who are angry that their stupid friends were posted here as pirates.

But then I got to thinking. And way back when this drama about me started, and the hater's started to form at the Obits, there was one commenter who stuck out.
She left the NASTIEST comment there, shown below in the screen shots,
And the funny thing is, her name was "Cindy".
Maybe it isn't linked. But damn, look how far "Cindy" has gone to ruin my name?
And it seems to me that someone has stalked me to no end.
Can we say "Obsessed"????
Who is jealous of who, exactly???

So then I took a look at "Leah's" blog.
And it made me think of how many people in the US don't have medical insurance.
Because it's obvious that someone is off their meds. Or should maybe get some.
Just a shame.

Then I seen her email address, and it was "whatever"
And that made me giggle to no end.
Because ANYONE can have one of those!
For free!
And you don't have to be a lawyer.
You can be a doctor, a fireman, a teacher, an accountant, a priest, or anything else
that you'd like to be when you grow up!
Check it out! It's a lot of fun!
(I would also like to point out how funny it is that when Cindy first started her tantrum,
She claimed she was in the legal field. I find that to be odd, now there is yet another one.
And you would think that professional women, such as themselves would act a little more

To those designers whom, have NOTHING to do with me personally,
Like Ellie Lash, I want to apologize. Some people have typing-turrets.
I have never said anything negative about you.
In fact, you are one of the designers I support.
You can see that at my blog.
Nor have I said anything about any of the other deisgners posted there, unless of course,
Your name is Gina, Lynne, Michelle.
But good grief, that is old news already.
And that crazy rumor that I applied to Veronica and SweetMade's store,
that's a joke. Never did that. Not even for a CT.
And anyone who knows me, knows that I would NEVER say my designs were not good enough.
If you are going to act like someone who knows what they are talking about,
At least do your homework.

As for being jealous, well, when compared to babycake, take a look at her designs,
and how many downloads she has on her freebies, and then take a look
At mine. I rest my case.

I would like to thank the 52 seperate people who have emailed me with support,
Most I have not heard from in years, but it's nice to know that I am still remembered
In the tagger community.
It's also nice to know I don't only have "1 Friend, just as bad as me".
But to my supporters , Please do not worry about me.
I have been in these crazy communities for 9 years,
And if I worried about what everyone was saying about me,
I'd never leave the house.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

One More Thing

I need to address a few things.
Some people are still confused a bit as to why I named off certian people.
And why I outed myself as well.
I tried to tell people who the snitches were, and because the main one, Gina,
is the leader in the SSD drive every week, yes, even though she is BANNED, she still does it,
No one is going to bite the hand that feeds them, so to speak.
Cathy is a good friend of Gina's, as is Michelle H.
Cathy put it into Gina's head that I was LavenderLucks, and all I know of this person is from
what is said in groups, and that is she downloads items, says thank you, then reports people.

And will even tell you to your face that she has.
So Cathy took this info to Gina, who then took it to anyone who would listen.
They reported me to designers, MPT and the smackdown blog.
I know this for a fact.

This little clique went out of their way to ruin my name, they outted me, then called me a snitch in groups, to have me removed. As if I don't have friends.
Again, let me remind you, I have a lot of followers. I was a tagger for 9 years.
I have made a very good name for myself in that community. And the fact that you don't know this, means shit to me.
But think about this, there were OTHER members in that group. Some of you are reading this now. And maybe you should ask yourself, why isn't your name here? Well, that's simple.

I outed the RATS. The ones that were outing other pirates. The ones who were telling everyone
LONG before this blog was created that I was a snitch.
I am not a snitch. But I did expose those who were.
But I couldn't do this without outing myself as well.
So here are a few names to add to your wall of shame::

And if you allow these people and their friends whom I have also mentioned in my first post, to remain in groups, regardless of what they share with you,
this same thing can and will eventually happen to you.

I ratted on them. This is obvious. But the reason seems to be unclear for so many.
So now you know. They were snitches.
They admitted to doing this, I have the email.
If I have to post it, I will.
So call me what you will, I did you a favor.
Some day, you will realize this.

Friday, September 26, 2008


I have received quite a few emails since this blog went up. And I would like to address a few things.

First, I would like to thank those people who are still standing by me, regardless.
For the designers who emailed me and said thank you for being honest in all of this.
Also, to the person who emailed me at MySpace when asking for my friendship, only to insult me, please, next time, try to be a little mature instead of calling me a pile of crap. Your insults were so elementary.

To those who are sending me threats, they are falling upon deaf ears. Because you do not scare me in the least. And not being allowed to join groups with the likes of you, would be a blessing. But again, it should be noted that I no longer wish to join your share groups. And from what I can see and have experienced first hand, not being in a group with you is a god send.

But most importantly, it has been asked why I did this. Why did I decide to do it this way.

The reason is pretty simple. There were snitches and back stabbers within the group.
I later figured out who were they were. And I can tell you that they are the ones I outed.
Lynne, Gina, Cathy. They were the snitches. They should be smeared all over the Internet.
Instead, they are being protected by one of the craziest people on blogger.
And they decide to plaster my name on their blog. And that's fine. At least people know that I am not friends with the likes of you.
As for the other people posted on my blog, they were within the group of people, allowing the crazy shit to be posted every where. They went along with it.
(And it should be known I saved the private conversations within the emails where they Admitted to turning me in)
But most importantly, if I was going to be officially declared a pirate, I was going to be named a pirate on my terms, not by others. If someone other then myself outed me, there would be personal feelings behind it, and it would have been a lot worse. They would have blown it WAY out of proportion. As it can be seen at the smackdown blog. They went as far as to fake the screen shot. And not very well, I might add. Which is why I never bothered to address it.
I also know for a fact that Cathy sent the blog owner one of the emails used in the screen shot
because her personal footer was still and is still visible in the screen shot. Again, I say OOPS!
So you see, this was a long time coming. They were so desperate to label me a snitch, I guess they got what they wanted.
But the next time you plan on accusing me of being someone else, like, oh I don't know, LavenderLucks, Make sure you know what the heck it is you are talking about. Because you were SOOOOOOOOOOOO very wrong on that one. And look where it got you?
I have walked away from this scene. I no longer design scrap kits. It is no longer fun. It was only a hobby, one that I enjoyed deeply. But some people think this is a life or death thing, that it should consume their lives, and they protect it as such. But for me, my family comes first. And I know I can walk away from my PC at anytime and still wake up the next day and be "OK".
I have been online for 9 years. I have been in groups just as long. (No, not pirating groups. 9 years ago a pirate said "arr" and had a ship) But I have made a name for myself in this community. And just because the few "newbies" causing all this trouble have no idea who I am, doesn't mean it's the general consensus. MANY people do. And I know I have their support.
So all I have to say is that to those of you who continue to stay in that circle of "friends", I would be careful. Because the minute they get a bug up their ass, they will turn on you. And you always think to yourself, "They would never do that to me, we are all friends here." Well, I am proof that they can and they will.
* I also wanted to add that despite the rumors that I owned that blog that was outting those who shared art related shares such as tubes, I was not. Nor do I know who that was.
I didn't know half the people on the list. *

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Attention Please

I guess this has been a long time coming as it has been brought up time and time again.
I have denied it, of course the half-wit accusations were far fetched and only partially true.So I was not about to admit to anything.

But there comes a time that you finally get tired of everything. You get tired of the lies, the name calling, the back stabbing, etc.

First I was accused of using designer's products in my kits.
This is not true. I explained this once and won't explain that again.

That accusation is FALSE.

Then I was called the LARGEST PIRATE EVER.Fancy name and all, but I doubt that. I think that is something everyone else wanted to be true. I think that is more of an opinion then a fact.And honestly, who knows if that is true. So I can not admit or deny that claim.

Then, after all this time, all these months, all these rumors, I was outed on a smack blog. Not because they thought they were doing the right thing. But because they were jealous of me. It was personal attack on me, an attack I didn't take too lightly. They posted fake and altered screen shots. Of course when they sent the screen shots to the blog, they didn't double check the email Or notice that their personal "footer" was left at the bottom of the email.
OOPS! So I have come to terms with the fact that these "share" groups have gotten WAY out of hand. Pirates are outing pirates. And see, there is a code within the pirate community.

"Never Turn On A Fellow Pirate"

Because see, if you do, you are no longer protected by that code. And once you do, the other pirate you outed, has a right to seek revenge.

And revenge, I must say, is sweet.

So it is with a heavy heart that I finally admit to a few things, Come clean, and step away from the scene. However, I will not "walk the plank" alone.

I have sent screen shots to the DarkSide Blog. I thought it was fitting since I have been accused of owning the blog. Again, FALSE but they seem to have a HUGE following and I want EVERYONE to see this.


Hello. My name is Pimptress, and I am a pirate.

No, I do not share with the MASSES.

No, I do not steal from stores.

No, I do not use back doors to get into stores.

No, I do not have any other names.

No, I do not use pirated Commercial Use items in my kits.

No, I never shared my MPT tagger kits with anyone.

No, I do not share MPT tubes, CILM tubes, AMI or UYA tubes.

Yes, I did share with a few friends.

Yes, I did join one share group.

Yes, I do know MANY other fellow pirates.

Yes, I have purchased and shared.

Yes, it is true that the kits I did download were kits I never would have purchased on my own, simply because they are not from my favorite designers.

Yes, I do purchase kits even if they have been shared with me freely because they are designers I enjoy, or who I admire and respect.

Yes, I even shared my kits that I was selling at Scrapping Dead Girls earlier this year, before it was closed.

Now, you may be asking, "Why are you doing this now"?

Well, that is pretty simple. The one share group I am in decided to start flipping on certain people. Not all, but some, myself included. Then they decided to call me a snitch and slander me to other pirates And as I said earlier, there is a code and once the code is broken, it's fair game.

So let the games begin, shall we?

My Fellow Pirates...... Stand up, or run and hide if you wish.

1. Gina aka Designs By Dawn (turn about is fair play isn't it? I guess since you didn't apologize, I wont either)

2. Cathy (not a designer but a sharer who likes to throw about accusations freely)

3. Michelle H. aka MAH Designs (Yep, that one) and OWNER of the share group

4. Karlie aka trashy ho or snagging ho or just plain old ho (You know your still out there. Gina would be happy to know you outed her real name "Designs by Dawn")

5. Amy aka Scrappy Goddess and resident nut job (Who has removed her blog and also left or was removed from all of her stores)

6. Lynne aka BabyCakes Designs (who steals from others but cries and throws a tantrum when her shit gets shared AND who outs fellow pirates)

7. DonnaK - who has MANY share groups

8. Bev aka Misschifs Designs

There are so many more, you will see the screen shots I took from being in that group. Most, but not all, have called this group home:

Group Owner: Michelle H.


There is 51 members there currently, and only a handful share. So who knows who else is a member there.

Am I sorry I am a pirate? Yes and No. But I did buy quite a few kits even after they were shared. You will never see me post anything or create anything with something I don't "Internet-legally" own.

Then you get these little trailer park tagger-scrappers, who aren't going any where, they can't make a scrap kit without pushing a action button, a stolen action button at that, And then they wonder why only their friends are buying their stuff. Then they see me, and they see how well my store was doing, how much my freebies are downloaded, and they got pissed. And one day they got a bug up their ass, and decided to create the smack down blog.

And the rest is history.

Is pirating okay? I don't know. But before you start spouting off legal threats, make sure your kits are registered at the US copyright office before filing any paperwork. Otherwise I am afraid my lawyer will have a Field day with your ass.

But you don't have to worry about me anymore, there are way bigger fish in this pirate sea to catch.

Congratulation's to those who put so much time and effort into ruining my name.

Looks like it finally paid off for you. But it looks like I had the last laugh after all.

To those of you who were fans of my designs, I apologize for this. But know that everything I have in my kits are legally mine to use. And have not had one problem in over a year.

I am retiring as of now. Best of luck to you all!

Do not bother leaving comments, they are not allowed.

Do not email me, I will not answer them.